latest news

The importance of language

Language is more than just a collection of words; it is something that connects us to each other, and we often underestimate its impact. In our latest blog, Children’s Convenor Karen Brady discusses why the language we use in The Children’s Tribunal System is important and why we are working hard at using language that cares.

Level 3 Safeguarding Children & Young People

The States of Guernsey is once again hosting its Level 3 Safeguarding Children & Young People, with a half day course on The Role of the Children's Convenor and Child Youth and Community Tribunal.

Tribunal Member training kicks off for 2023

This weekend we had our first manditory training session of the year for our Tribunal Members. We were very grateful to Alix Coubrough from the Island’s Safeguarding Children Partnership for giving us an introduction to disguised compliance and contextual safeguarding.  We learned…

The Children’s Tribunal System - a unique system that has children and community at its heart

In every society, large or small, there are laws, cultures, and traditions that guide the care and protection of children and young people. Protecting children always start with the family, but the wider community also has a role to play - after all “it takes a village to raise a child”.

Merry Christmas from The Children's Tribunal System

With the festive period nearly upon us, it is important to reflect on the year and all that has been achieved. The Children’s Tribunal System would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support of our service and to let…

Children Law Review

Following the States meeting on 23 and 24 November 2022, all parts of The Children’s Tribunal System are pleased to see that the Children Law Review Policy Letter has been passed.